"A book is like a garden carried in the pocket." Chinese Proverb

"Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book."
We should all be like little children ~escaping out the back door to laugh and dance in the sunshine and green grass amidst the dandelions and wild violets!
Last Saturday Scott, Chelsea, Gabby and I piled into the car and headed for Peoria to shop at our favorite Christian bookstore. Sadly, due to the decline in our economy, this bookstore that has existed for all of my memory, is now closing its doors.
Although it's hard to see it go, we did enjoy a shopping spree we wouldn't have been able to afford without the fabulous discounted prices. Everything in the store was down to 90% off the original price. Can you believe it?!!! All music CD's were either 5o cents or $1.00.
We spent a blissful two hours there where I immersed myself in as many books as possible before they either threw us out or Scott dragged me to the car.
I am of the same mind as the late Groucho Marx who said, "I find television to be very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go in the other room and read a book."
Remember ~ I gave birth to and raised a librarian {Hilary}!
Gabby is also an avid book lover already and behaved remarkably well for a two year old with lots of energy spending such a span of time in a bookstore.
We came away with a total of 17 books { 2 of which were childrens books that Miss Gabby chose herself}, 2 CD's, and 9 greeting cards. Our grand total, tax included, BEFORE the discount would have been: $263.50. Never in my life have I been able to spend that amount of money at one time on books!
Grand total we spent AFTER the discount: $25.65 ~ PAID IN CASH!!!
That's the price that ONE of the books I chose would have been without anything else!
So~ here's my stash............... {Oh, the darling oversized teacup with flowers was a gift from Hilary.}
"Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book."
Author Unknown
We should all be like little children ~escaping out the back door to laugh and dance in the sunshine and green grass amidst the dandelions and wild violets!
And remembering to settle into the life of a good book as often as possible.