There's been lots of excitement around here lately. I got to enjoy seeing my dear friend Diane from Kentucky last week for the first time in 2 years. We shopped, ate, talked, laughed, { ALL the girlie stuff!} and then had to say goodbye on friday morning. It was so much FUN!!!

~ Don't stay away so long this time Diane!

Phoebe and her Auntie Diane were fast friends. I had to make sure my little spotted baby was still here when the car was being loaded to head back to Kentucky!

Sunday evening Scott and I went to dinner to celebrate my birthday. We actually used a gift certificate that some friends gave us for our 25th anniversary back in December. Scott had to have stomach surgery in November, so his tummy wasn't up to a nice dinner out just then. We sure had a great time on Sunday though. {What do ya think of my new dress? It's my $7.00 find from the second hand shop up the street from me!}.

Today was my birthday. And, well, we decided to skip the whole candle bit {45 candles might have been enough for a bonfire! And though I might look like a windbag, I didn't want to try to blow so many little flames out.}

Oh! Remember the new purse Bridget and Tinoy gave me? Jose really likes it too. I had to tell him pretty much the same thing I told my sister, "GET UP OFF MY BAG!".
Speaking of my sister, this is the first time I've spent a birthday without her. She called first thing this morning from Milwaukee and we had a bit of a cry together. I really miss her. We've never lived so far apart. We're used to being in and out of each others daily lives. But 4 hours isn't so far away. I'll be making a trip ASAP!

Hope you're all happy and healthy and enjoying some summer sunshine. As for me and Gabby ~
we're having a swinging good time!