So... I do have a few selected pictures to show you.
This first one is of a Grammy and BaPa who couldn't be more in love with this little one {and each other as far as that goes!!!:)}

We, of course, had a birthday bash with all the family here. Gabby got a new bike from Pappy {that's my dad} and some sunglasses that she loves to wear indoors and out!

I had to include this picture of my youngest nephew, Brendan, so you would all think Jimmy Hendricks is still alive and well! { I mean ... why not?... if Elvis is still alive, why not Jimmy?} He's wearing Gabby's glasses and Chelsea's belt.

Also, just so you know all of the household dogs are still naughty as ever, this is a picture of Sophie scavenging for any cake crumbs on the table after I had cleared it and wiped it off. She may be a dog, but she still has the female sugar loving gene!

Gabby is now sleeping in her "big girl" bed upstairs where it belongs. When my dad first brought it over in his truck though, we parked it in the front room where she jumped right in and started dictating which movie she wanted put in the DVD player! We knew we better get that sucker upstairs before this became her version of a "man in a recliner with a couple of remotes"!!!

My dad always hides Easter eggs in my backyard for all the grandkids {YES~ my grown up daughters still run around searching frantically, giggling all the while, in hunt of their specific color of eggs!} After they were done Gabby had her own hunt {with a little help from Mommy and Aunt Hilary}.

In the midst of all these other activities, we're still working on the whole potty training thing. Some days are good and then some days .... WELL... let's just say Gabby is OFFICIALLY two years old and lavishly invokes her right to use the word "NO!!!" as often as she deems necessary. {Notice there is no toilet paper on the holder. I have to remove it, and the box of Kleenex from the back of the toilet, every time the princess takes her seat on the throne, or it ALL ends up in the toilet the second I turn my back!}

As for me, LIFE IS GOOD! I'm still knitting and crocheting up a storm {mostly for other people} and teaching my Monday night class at the coffee shop with its mixture of knitters and crocheters, plus a crochet class at my house on Tuesday nights. I love teaching so much that I'm actually getting ready to go through the program to get my teaching certification for both knitting and crocheting.
Oh! I do have to leave you with a couple more pictures so you can see I did manage to whip up something for Gabby over the weekend.

I've missed you all so very much! It feels good to be back again.
Happy knitting, crocheting, tea~sipping, or whatever else you are all into these days!
Though I've been taking a break from my computer lately, you have all been on my mind, in my heart and in my prayers. Thanks to those of you who have e-mailed or called me recently just to make sure I'm still amongst the living! May you all be blessed!